Monthly Archives: March 2014

IKSFA Australian Championship 2014 – Results and Reflections

Woooo..i am getting old! I woke up today feeling like i lifted 10million kilos yesterday..not sure if anyone has weighed nerves before but i am betting they weigh a ton!

So how did it go? Very well! I had a bit of a shaky start to the day ..forgetting my keys at home and driving back and forth and arriving at the weigh in half an hour late..i really really thought i was going to miss it and wouldnt be able to compete but luckily i made it…just with added stress and nerves!

To be totally honest i had set quite high expectations for myself..i guess i was over confident based on the results i had achieved in training so in the back of my mind i was secretly wishing i would get 180 reps in both jerk and snatch..i was far from that but that was another lesson learnt..not to aim too high:)

What were the results? Well the best ever in comp for i cannot complain! my jerk set was game plan was to try to hit 20-16-20-16-20 reps each arm ..i hit that in the first 2 min but then went downhill quite not sure if that is a good strategy for me. I really need to work on starting slower and maintaing a constant pace with my jerks. I also noticed that i used my arms more so than my legs which is why they probably got fried and my pace went downhill in the last 2 min each bump could have been more explosive.

So reps for jerk were L: 22/16/17/13/13 R: 19/16/15/10/10 and here is the video for the jerk set Jerk set

The snatch set was a bit more evenly paced. I didn’t really have a target per min pace..i was just hoping i could reach 180. Overall i felt really relaxed, looking at the video i can see that i lockout one leg in the backswing but keep the other bent..maybe something to work on..i also got feedback about the kettlebell flicking up during the backswing..i know i have had that issue for a while so again something to work on.

In term of reps for snatch i got L: 17/17/17/16/15 R: 17/17/16/15/17 and here is the video Snatch set

Comparing the last 2 cycles there are big differences in the training approach..i can clearly see that the volume for this cycle has been close to 80% more than the last and funnily enough i felt much better and refreshed and ready this time around. Maybe it was due to the 6 week break i took over december and the xmas period..or the extra strength work in this cycle..or the extra carbs i have been eating..or a combination of all that. Whatever it was it worked!

Cycle 2 Oct/nov 2013 Cycle 3 jan/feb 2014
Total volume 103620kg 175770kg
Jerk sets 6minx2, 8minx4, 10minx2 6minx8, 8minx11, 10minx6
Snatch sets 6minx2, 8minx4, 10minx1 6minx1, 8minx4, 10minx10
Comp results 138Jerks, 122Snatches 151Jerks, 164Snatches

So all up a very successful cycle and when i take a step back i can see that i have’s my best comp result since i started competing with the 16kg so for that i am happy!

What next? Well i will take another 6 week break now And focus on strength training..i am going overseas in 3 weeks so wont have access to kettlebells. I plan to get back into GS training first week of May and start training for 20kg biathlon..i am not sure how long it will take me to get to the point where i can compete for 10 minutes but i dont want to get back on the platform until i can do 10 minutes with the 20kg….so it may be a while!

Chau xx

Week 11 – Day 3

Jerk 16kg @20rpm 2min sets x4
Snatch 16kg @20rpm 2min sets x4
Swings 20kg 70/70

Well this is it.. Last session before the big day.  Hands are perfect,  body is feeling good and confidence is up.  All that is left now is rest,  positive thoughts and just try to enjoy the comp day as much as possible!  It’s been the best cycle of training in the last 12 months so for that i am grateful.. Coach you have been awesome!  Let’s do this! 

Week 11 – Day 1

Jerk 16kg @20rpm 2min sets x4
Jerk 12kg @20rpm 8min set

Snatch 16kg @20rpm 2min sets x4
Snatch 12kg @20rpm 8min set

Swings 24kg 50/50

Trying to focus on relaxing the body.. Have a crazy week at work so i m hoping the breathing exercises help 🙂

Week 10 – Day 3

Jerk 16kg @20rpm 2min sets x6
Snatch 16kg @20rpm 2min sets x6

Black snatch with gloves 14kg 10min set

Well this is the peak in terms of volume for this cycle.. I lifted 22000 kg and spent a total of 96 minutes under the bells this week.. That’s 5500kg and 24 minutes more than last week 🙂 And i feel fine! Had slight elbow pain during the snatches.. I think I may be jerking or jumping my arm around too tensely.. Not a major issue right now and something i will look into when i come back from my holidays.
So one week till thw big day.  This comp coming up is apparently bigger than the last with more competitors..i have put in the hard work over the last 10 weeks.. So now i just need to trust that i am ready 🙂

Week 10 – Day 1

Jerk 16kg @20rpm 2min set (40reps)
Jerk 16kg @20rpm 4min set (80reps)
Jerk 16kg @20rpm 6min set (110reps)

Snatch 16kg @16rpm 10min set (160reps)

Black snatch w gloves 12kg 10min set

GS squats 40kg 50 /50
Swings 20kg 60/60

I knew this was going to be a tough session and i was right.  A 6min jerk @20rpm after the previous two sets at that same pace was impossible. I actually got quite frustrated because it was the first time I didn’t hit my numbers in a long time. From my point of view it was an unrealistic target.
The rezt of the sessio  went well.. Hands are looking good and no tape used today so that is positive 🙂